As I grow older, I realize how much learning is done by just living. Yet, while I grow and learn more each day, I’ve also noticed how much we fake it. We fake our knowledge, our coolness, our whatever. It’s in the little things we say to the big things we do. Ever taken a test with a question you don’t completely know the answer to? What do you do? You write what you do know and act like you own the subject. You may even fluff it up or take a stab in the dark and hope you’re right. In an interview, would you ever say, “I don’t know”? Or would you just start talking like a politician and suffer the minor loss of respect you just got from not answering their question? It’s like we’re being taught that saying “I don’t know” is unacceptable and means that you’re dumb. But in and of ourselves, we’re all incomplete, imperfect, and a bit lost. Like many things in life, I think acknowledging that we’re not always right, perfect, or complete is the first step in fixing the problem.
This is exactly what the song Incomplete is addressing. And the story unfolds a bit more when we look at Company Car. In this catchy, upbeat song, a man goes through a realization that he’s not what he’d hoped he’d be. He’s got what the world considers great, but it’s not what he wants. “I’ve become one with the ones that I’ve never believed in”. “I’ve got hotels on park place and boardwalk. For 200 bucks I’ll pass go, but oh, life’s taken its toll. Have I won monopoly, but forfeit my song?” I truly believe that everything in this world is not enough to fully satisfy for your entire life. You can get by when things change though. Like if you own a country, it may become not enough for you, so you go on a power trip and take over a neighboring country. In the end though, that country won’t be enough either. James Bond knew this (The World is not Enough).
So then what is it to become someone? I believe it is to lose yourself. "Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it" (Matthew 10:39). The best someone you can be is someone who is letting Christ take charge of his or her life. Some of the best things that have happened to me have happened because I trusted that things will work out and that Christ will be with me always (see the last (ish?) verse of Matthew). While my parents and the logical part of my brain told me to try and get an internship this summer so I’ll have a better professional career, I decided to go on a missions trip for the first half of this coming summer. So instead of relaxing this semester and then making money over the summer, I’ve spent this semester raising money knowing that I won’t be able to make money this summer (because my previous internship wanted a full summer intern so I couldn’t go back there). Not only has my trust in God that everything will go over well paid off amazingly in my fundraising, but also in my hopes to invest in a future career. The internship I previously had told me that due to a special circumstance, they could use an extra hand for about a month of the summer (during the time I’m home). When you give things to God, whether time, money, etc, He blesses you so abundantly. This includes your life.
One more point I want to bring up… THIS INCLUDES YOUR LIFE